November 9, 2018

Week 4

OKRs are doing my head in, and they’re confusing everyone.

Me trying to understand how OKRs cascade through organisational layersMe trying to understand how OKRs cascade through organisational layers

My reading is that the objectives should be co-created (eg. between Product leadership and the Area teams within Product). Those objectives are then discussed more deeply with the people who are on the hook for meeting them to identify the tactics/bets/missions that could be undertaken and what the outcomes (key results) look like.

Doing it this way means the OKRs are co-created and grounded in the reality the teams are in; hopefully creating stretching but not impossible work.

OKRs teams goals

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Week 3 Less progress this week than I’d hoped. A few of the area teams (these are the groups of teams that broadly/nearly align to the significant steps in
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Week 5 Naming things is hard. All the difficulty I had this week was because we share similar names for close-but-not-the-same things. Also: vision and